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Incredible Machine Glass Body

OFFICIAL WINNER - Cult Critic Movie Awar
OFFICIAL WINNER - 2022 ARFF Paris  Inter

Rewiring ourselves to be vulnerable, while consumerism and mass media leads us to a less “human” society. Robotic tendencies frame our personal identities and execute the truth of how we language ourselves in this hostile world.

OFFICIAL SELECTION - Amsterdam World Int
OFFICIAL SELECTION - Artfools - Eco Fash
OFFICIAL FINALIST  - Indie Short Fest -
OFFICIAL SELECTION - Indapuram Internati
OFFICIAL WINNER - Queen Palm Internation
OFFICIAL SELECTION - Beyond the Curve In
OFFICIAL WINNER - Croatia Fashion Film F
OFFICIAL SELECTION - Rethink Dance Festi
OFFICIAL SELECTION - Thinking Hat Fictio
OFFICIAL FINALIST  - Indie Short Fest - Best Costume Design 2019.png
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